4 January 2012

One Of Those Days

Today really tested me as a parent. It was one of those days that really pushes you to the limit and tests your boundaries. Our two wonderful children decided to show their ever present determination capabilities. 

I went shopping this morning, by myself!! The first time since we had Isla seven months ago. I hurried around to find a dress and shoes for a wedding on Saturday.The whole time I was out Isla cried and screamed for her Dad and Grandma. As soon as I walked in the door she started smiling again and played like nothing had ever happened. I am starting to get a little tired of being a milk bar. Getting bub to have a bottle would be quite beneficial for all of us. But that little girl is determined not to give in.  She crawled after me around the house trying to get what she wanted.

As for Mr three, well lets just say that he may still end up as chief negotiator at the United Nations one day. My little man has a bucket load of determination in him. It's great when your older, when it comes to being three it's not so great. 

The two things that make a tough day better, wine and chocolate.

Goodnight all.

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